Just a Girl

{February 21, 2007}   And I thought I was a crazy runner

You know every day I open up my yahoo to read mail and whatever is listed on the news for the day and today I came across this incredible story. 3 guys ran across the dessert totaling 4,000 miles in 111 days. Absolutely incredible. You need to read the article and can’t wait to see the documentary. And I thought I was an addicted runner, these guys are incredible.

Check out the site:


you will have to copy and paste into your web browser but it is a great story.

Congrats to the three men that conquered this incredible task and proved that we are not insane runners, we are just humans trying to prove that we are all capable of anything.

wildjoe says:

Hey Cristy,
Check out this guy.http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6319909.stm – he is swimming the Amazon river, piranha and toothpick fish infested! Well, the toothpick fish looks the more painful!Anyway, did you get to watch The Secret on Oprah? Hope you did…if not,the next time i will give you a YouTube link to a 20 minutes video clip of The Secret.
Take care and regards, Joe. Like the post about Charles!

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